Reading Response 1
One important strategy that I could
use to assist with the learning of my students is to put important information in
contextual format based on their particular culture. While some saying or
understandings cross multiple cultural boundaries, there are times when this is
not the case, and it is important the students receive a proper explanation
that connects with their personal cultural understandings. Another important
factor is to hold expectations that show adherence to equitable standards for
all of the students. Everyone should be held to the same levels of expectations,
but understandably, sometimes some students might require a little extra help
to get them on the right road of learning the information. It is also important
to involve the resources of both the school and community when working with
students of different cultural and economic backgrounds. For students with particular
language struggles, the use of school ELD resources can assist with the
education of the student, as well as communicating with the parents. If there
are problems with the students, it is possible to use the resources in that
student’s community to assist with their development. it is paramount that the
students feel that the classroom is a safe location for them to be in. whether
the student is involved in less savory activities or has a different life
choice, then they should be able to come into the classroom without fear of being
attacked for their lifestyle.
Reading Response 2
For our ITU group, we identified
several of the resources that we would be able to use that would assist us in
developing the unit. Between our several subject areas – History, English, and
Spanish – we will be able to draw on our respective state frameworks to help us
guide the project. We will be able to connect our classes’ textbooks, internet
resources, student interests and questions, and professional literature and documents
to create a unit that can be connected through our content areas. Focusing on
Cesar Chavez in connection with Latino/a literature, Spanish language development,
and historical analysis of laborers’ rights, there are several key words or phrases
that I can connect with history. A list includes: Cesar Chavez, unions,
laborers, rights, repression, agriculture, corporations, profits, organizing,
origins, and 1960’s movements. The main process that we used to develop the
idea for our ITU was to first look at what subject areas we were all part of in
our team. Having a History, English, and Spanish candidate, we brainstormed
over a possible connection between our subject areas. A common theme was the agricultural
workers movement that developed during the 1960’s, and were able to come up with
several project ideas that we could incorporate in our respective content
areas. Through the use of literature, presentations, research, and other
related assignments, we felt that we could create an integrated unit that
involved different aspects of learning for each of our classes.
Several of the essential questions
that could be developed for the ITU from a historical perspective include: What
were the issues that surrounded the period in terms of laborers’ rights? What were
conditions like for the workers? Were there previous movements for workers’
rights previous to this and how successful were they? Who were important figures
for this movement and how did they advocate their cause? How successful was
this movement and what were some of its outcomes? These questions will help to
outline some of the objects of this unit, and will help the students to
understand what the focus of some of the days’ lessons will be about.
Response 3
Some of the ITU resources and activities that I could provide for the team include:
discussions between the students with teacher beginning conversations with
topics and ideas.
of events based on the workers’ movement.
analysis of important figures/events of the movement.
research project using the school’s media center.
review session of the information.
involvement with local authorities on the topic.
project for the students to interact with each other.
Response 4
Some of the aspects of the ITU that I feel that I could positively provide for could include some of the framework for the overall project. I would like to help develop some of the essential questions and enduring understandings that would be invaluable in leading the students’ development of the unit. I also have access to several points of resources that I could use for gathering information such as journals, articles and primary documents that could be used by the students in their various classes. I would also like to help to develop an integrated schedule between myself and my cohort members so that we could plan lessons that coincide between the different classes.
Reading Response 5
Here is a copy of the thematic list that my ITU group came up with in class the other evening:
Task 1: Theme - Immigrant Rights
Task 2: Webpage - Create a Blogspot page for the theme
Task 3: Context - Southwestern United States in the 1960s
Task 4: Rationale - Appealing to the culture of the Orange Glen demographic
Task 5: Overview - History: Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Movement
Spanish: Contextual vocabulary pertaining to Cesar Chavez
English: Chicano/a poetry; Cesar Chavez , etc. Speeches
Task 6: Objectives,
Standards and Assessments - History: Role play and reflection
Spanish: Poster presentation with vocab English: Poetry Jam on immigrant rights
Task 7: Calendar - How many weeks?
Task 8: Technology -, research websites for posters, e-Dictionaries
Task 9: Art - Poetry, murals, posters.
Task 10: Social Justice - The whole thing – focuses on the positive learning about historical figures important to the local demographics of the school.
Task 11: Service Learning - Attend Cesar Chavez Celebration on March 31
Reading Response 6
My PLN now includes: blogspot, google
apps, twittier, edmodo, diigo, and the list I am sure will continue to grow
with all new technical applications!
Reading Responses 7 – 10
The primary elements of service learning include
preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration. It is important that the
director of the service learning understand what the particular needs of the
local community are so that they can plan accordingly. It requires the students
and the teacher to lean about their community, what issues there might be, and
in what ways they can work to improve the situation. It is also during this
period that the logistics of the project will be planned out: when and where
the service will occur, what are the objectives of the activity, and how will
it be conducted. The actions taken by the students and the teacher are a direct
result of the research and coordination that was completed during the
preparation phase. Those involved will
carry through with whatever plan was created by the class to become actively
involved in their community. Reflection, an important concept that follows any
valuable lesson, comes next. During this phase, the teacher will lead the
students in a process that has the students connect the activities that they
completed with discussion that will ensure that the students develop, socially,
emotionally, and academically, as individuals who are part of a community. The final portion, demonstration, is the phase
in which the teacher and students model their activities and learning through
some form of medium. This can include oral or physical presentations or written
essays about their experiences.
A list of resources and ideas for my content
area that could be useful for the ITU can include some of the following:
professional journals about immigrant labor during the 1950’s through the 1970’s,
personal biographies from immigrant and/or agricultural workers from this time
period, a study or timeline about the growth of unions in the agricultural industry,
speeches from Cesar Chavez, a trip to local agricultural centers where tours or
informative sessions can be made available, a guest speaker who is an expert on
the material, and newspapers from the time period.
Orange Glen High School has a student population
of approximately 2,400 students. 75% of this population is Hispanic, 16% is
Caucasian, 4% is Asian, 2.5% is African American, and the rest of the
population is made of ethnic groups that number less than 1%. There is a 25:1
student/teacher ratio at the school. Approximately 25% of the student
population is eligible for free/reduced meals.
A work in progress for the ITU.
Reading Response 11
Reading Response 12
Please see my tab to my ITU website
The second component is the individual and group accountability process. The students are required to contribute equally throughout the whole process of the activity. They have to realize that they will be responsible for one aspect of the activity, and that it would be their component to make sure that the other members of the group have an understanding of the materials. It is the teacher's role during this accountability process to assess the individual learning of each student, and to provide feedback and guidance to the groups as a whole. They also have to ensure that there is group accountability, and that each student will be responsible for the total product of the activity.
The third process of collaborative learning is group processing. This requires the students to be aware of their learning, and the process in which they are attaining the objectives of the activity. They need to be able to apply what actions are positively affecting the group, while cutting out negative behaviors that influence the group. The role of the teacher in this portion is to act as a guiding measure once the activity is completed. They ensure that the students properly reflect on the activity, and check for understanding behind the reasons for doing the project. They also have to develop the skills of the students during this period that were necessary for completion of the activity, and to work with the students to improve their performance for the future.
The fourth component are the social skills that were used between the students and instructor. For the students, it is important that they increase their interpersonal skills that are based on leadership, decision making, trust-building, and conflict management. The focus for the teacher in this period is to provide opportunities for the students to work on these skills in their collaborative groups. They must observe their students and make sure positive communications are made between the students, and that if there are any conflicts, that they be resolved constructively.
The final component of collaborative learning is based on the face-to-face interactions between the students. They need to be able to work together to not only cover the material, but be able to assess whether their peers are comprehending the material. They will need to teach each other the information that they learned, as well as check for comprehension. Again, the teacher's main role is to provide opportunities for this style of learning and cooperation. They must monitor the groups and provide feedback or intervene in the groups to make sure that there are positive interactions throughout the whole activity.
Reading Response 18
Please see my ITU website, which you can reach through the
tab at the top of my blog. In it you will be able to observe some of the
planning resources incorporated throughout the ITU.
Good work on RR 1-6. I look forward to seeing your ITU website.